Episode 05 - Justice vs Grace
Questions With God
Where do you draw the line between justice and grace? Why is it so hard to walk in the same grace Jesus showed? - With Anthony Acevedo (former Latin King gang member), Darren Davis, Jamie Galloway, Robby Dawkins
Up Next in Questions With God
Episode 04 - Importance of Experience
Does experience mean anything in God’s kingdom? Doesn’t experience breed faith, and isn’t faith a pre-requisite for healing? Why don’t we see more of the miraculous in the West compared to elsewhere in the world? ⁃ With Bryan Schwartz, Darren Davis, Jamie Galloway, Robby Dawkins
Episode 03 - One Time Encounters
What is the point of a one-time God encounter if there is no follow up? Should the gospel message be given at every encounter? How do you overcome the challenges of one-time encounters with people? - With Chad Norris, Bryan Schwartz, Jamie Galloway, Robby Dawkins
Episode 02 - Weird Stuff
If it’s not in the Bible, can it still be God? Is God normal? How do we stay grounded in good theology when opening up to some of the stranger things of the Spirit? - With Chad Norris, Gary Wilson, Bryan Schwarz, Pat Windel